Jason is a young player just out of college who has aspirations to play golf for a living. As you will see here he has a wonderful, fluid, powerful looking action that appears to have all the potential to be successful. Jason, however, has been struggling with his ball striking, or at least the consistency of his ball striking. Many players with nice moves like Jason can hit great shots with all the quality of a Tour player, but not enough times in a round to shoot the kind of numbers necessary to make money. What we see here is an issue discussed many times on this website, that of the right arm action during the swing and the eventual approach angle of the hands. Jason’s club is slightly across the line at the top, and when he starts down his right forearm stays up and tips a hair more horizontal, which causes the arm to stay bent and the shaft to stay steep momentarily. By the time the shaft starts to shallow it is too far along in the forward swing for the right arm to be able to unbend, and while the shaft is nicely in between the arms the right arm is still overly bent and the hands are now coming in quite high. From this approach angle the wrists are forced to arch downward to lower the club down to the ball, and this additional complication in the wrist action is what I believe is causing Jason’s inconsistency. Jason needs to squeeze his arms together in a more timely fashion in transition and get his hands moving more outward toward the ball, and he needs to unbend the right arm as he heads towards impact so that he can simplify his release action and square the face with less complex wrist action.