Playing for Money: Derrick Sherard Part 3

By Wayne | Videos: Playing For Money

Derrick is an aspiring mini-tour player working at a club in West Palm Beach who came to see me in Boca in January of 2015 after having sent me a few swings way back in 2011. He has only been back a few times, but he has some renewed enthusiasm after experiencing limited success and wants to take advantage of my 3 -month stint in Florida to really work on his game. Derek has always been plagued by a flippy impact, and now that he has vastly improved his backswing (it used to get extremely narrow in transition) he has a very good chance to produce the sustained impact that will compress the ball consistently and allow him to control his ball flight and direction. The very first frame of the video pretty much tells the story, as you see Derek in the split screen just getting to his follow through on a full shot and on a punch shot drill. The difference is so striking that you really want to watch to see what caused the ugly one and how he got to the nice one.