Playing for Money: Adam Doyle

By Wayne | Videos: Playing For Money

Adam is a professional who plays mini-tour events and some Canadian Tour stuff. It definitely looks like he has the physical tools to have an excellent swing, and he demonstrates nice control of the shaft during the motion. I pick out a couple of things here that I think are important for Adam to work on: first I see that he is biased well left at address, and his head moves immediately to the left in the takeaway. Looking down the line we see the clubface quite closed a long while into the backswing, and it is not surprising the right arm rides fairly high above the left as the shaft reaches parallel to the ground. Hanging left with the clubface closed is going to force the shoulders into a steep turn, but Adam is strong and almost recovers by the time he gets to the top. The shaft does cross the line a bit, however, and with no real right load he doesn’t have much chance to “catch” the club with an aggressive forward move of the lower body, and we see that his sequence is affected by the arms accelerating past his upper trunk, causing the left arm to bend and the right arm to come down a bit behind the right side instead of more in front of it. All this comes to a head at impact where we see Adam’s head move backwards as his left wrist remains neutral at impact instead of bending forward. There is far less sustain past impact than Adam would desire, and the quality of the iron shots will consequently suffer. My suggestions here start with centering the body at address, and then loading immediately to the right with the clubface opening much sooner after the takeaway starts. From there I would get him to feel the pull of the lower against the upper body, which would stretch out his left arm and give the right arm a better chance to work in a sidearm throwing fashion and get more in front of the right side coming forward toward impact. The end result would be more forward shaft lean and a flatter left wrist at impact, both of which would contribute to more ball control and a penetrating ball flight.