Pivot Compression Golf Swing: 33. Standard Pitch Shots 10 Yards and In

By Wayne | Videos: PCGS lesson series

Here we have another standard play around the green, as we are close to the green but in enough proximity to the pin to require the ball to fly up in the air and land without rolling a great distance. The variations here from the longer pitch shots with the 58 degree wedge are the slightly extra open face and limited use of arm swing in the backswing. We would like to hinge the club upward going back without a whole lot of arm swing, and indeed on the shortest shots you may want to feel like the hands never even go backwards at all. As you experiment with the shot you want to be sure to continue to strike a downward, forward leaning blow, while varying the openness of the face to see what kind of trajectory you will achieve. Always pick a spot to land the ball on your first attempt, then modify it as necessary as you practice.