Peter Kostis Reports in on Phil Mickelson’s Swing

By Wayne | Videos: As Seen On TV and Extras

So Phil flies in Butch, and Butch suggests that Phil keep the flex in his left knee, and suddenly Phil is a world beater. Nonsense. There is nothing Butch can tell Phil that he hasn’t told him a hundred times, and the video shows that Phil never changes anything in his swing anyway. Phil simply plays good sometimes, and good for Phil means that no one can beat him. If Harmon happens to be around he gets the credit. What about all the crap tournaments Phil plays after working with Butch?. No one reports on that. Am I jealous of Harmon because he’s getting the credit when he doesn’t deserve it? No, just reporting on what is actually going on instead of the hysterical Golf Channel drones who love Butch because he’s so “simple”. I’m really jealous of Phil, because most people have to have great technique to be great, but Phil can randomly beat everyone with the conglomeration of flaws that somehow combine to be his swing. He is living proof that golf is more of a talent and feel game for the gifted, and a technique and grind game for those who can’t reach a high level otherwise.