William’s swing reminds me of Hogan (I’m not sure if William has patterned his swing after Ben’s or not), so I take the opportunity in this video to put Hogan’s swing side by side with William’s in order to illustrate what I believe would be a technique change that would help an already excellent move. As we have seen over and over in these online lessons the way the right arm works in the swing is a huge deal, and there are a lot of good players that could benefit from a different understanding of how it functions. William’s right arm has good initial width as the backswing starts but his upper arm stays too low and finishes the backswing by pulling back to complete the turn rather than staying more in front of his body. At the end of the backswing William’s right shoulder area is pulling back enough to actually start his upper body leaning forward, which as we know is out of sequence, and keeps the upper right arm from moving in front of the chest in the downswing. Watching Hogan, we can see that his upper right arm is much higher at left arm parallel, at which point he finishes his backswing with a combination of left should stretch and wrist cock produced by the right hand pushing in to the left thumb. With the hands and arms heading away from the head instead of behind it Hogan can start his forward motion with the lower body pulling the upper into play. This type of transition would greatly benefit William’s already powerful and dynamic move.