Online Students: Wayne Miles

By Wayne | Videos: Online Students

Wayne is a 24 handicap golfer from Australia, and I have learned over many years of teaching that the higher the handicap the more I have to make sure that the player has the correct concepts regarding how the swing works in general. Wayne has the obvious backswing issues as far as technique goes, but he does a marvelous job of sequencing his swing and produces the potential for a lot of power in the downswing. As you watch the first swings it may occur to you that Wayne appears to swing out to the right after impact, which is why I have to make sure that he understands that the club is supposed to close and swing around through the impact area as opposed to staying square and swinging down the line or out to the right. This just may be the key ingredient to get Wayne to hit the ball better even without the rest of the suggestions I make regarding the use of his right arm in the backswing, even though if he could do both I think he could make a quantum jump in his ball striking ability.