Online Students: Trent Tessler

By Wayne | Videos: Online Students

Trent is an accomplished player who took time off from the game and is now coming back and wanting to compete again. He is generally unsatisfied with the quality of his ball striking and has sent in a few swings to have me take a look.
The general fluidity and athletic action tell you that this is a good golfer, and it will take closer examination to diagnose the possible causes of the erratic striking. The slow motion camera reveals a few items which I see as major issues worth tackling. The first is the substandard use of the upper torso muscles in the backswing, which causes multiple sequence problems. By not loading well enough Trent has trouble feeling the ground and thus starts his downswing with his upper body leaning forward along with the driving lower. The lack of engagement in the upper trunk muscles allows his arms to out-race the rest of the pivot, which affects just about everything in the downswing and through impact. In the end I think if Trent softens his arms at address and creates more trunk movement early in the backswing he will be able to improve his sequence in transition and achieve a better impact.