Online Students: Tom Richards Part 6

By Wayne | Videos: Online Students

Tom has taken more online lessons than anyone, and has also come to see me face to face at least twice. I am proud of the improvement he has made in his swing, as it is obviously apparent that he makes a much better overall move than he used to, and he is getting better all the time. Of course, there are always things to work on, and in this lesson we focus on improving his leg work in order to get the hands to continue to move more out toward the ball and less down, and eventually more forward and closer to the body when the shaft is parallel to the ground in the forward swing. Tom’s right foot and ankle do not like to roll inward, but instead push more up and to the right, which takes away some of the space he needs to get the right arm more in front of his chest. He has plenty of lateral movement, but his rotation is a bit slow due to the misdirected drive of the right leg. The idea is to drive the leg more inward so that the left foot doesn’t tap down on the ball of the foot in transition, a move which leaves the left knee in the way and slows down the rotation of the hips. Tom has added nice depth in the right hip going back, and if he can drive from that position more toward the left heel right away in transition I feel that he can get the club to kick back that little bit more that he needs to get the hands going at the ball instead of in between the feet and the ball. If the club shallows earlier it has more chance to steepen longer coming down, and if the hips are deeper as well he could get the approach even closer to the shaft plane than he is now.

  • Click here for parts 1 and 2
  • Click here for part 3
  • Click here for part 4
  • Click here for part 5