Tom’s continued progress is a testament to the efficacy of online lessons. This is his 5th go round, and the difference between his swing now and a year and a half ago is startling. He has really done a nice job changing the way he controls the shaft and sequences his lower body to produce a more sidearm delivery, but we see here that he has some work to do with his pivot movement, as it tends to drive overly sideways and not quite enough around. My suggestion is to aim the hip drive more sharply to the left, which would turn some of that lateral movement into rotation and decrease the total amount of lateral while allowing him to open up sooner in the downswing. The result would be a right side more able to fire into the impact area, whereas now he stays more facing the ball through impact with his right side forced to hand back as his hips fail to clear in a timely fashion. There is no way to sustain the right wrist bend through impact if the right side can’t move forward enough, and the right side can’t move forward unless the left side gets the heck out of the way. I have found that it is easier to take an overly lateral move and cut it back by aiming the movement more to the left than it is to teach someone to drive the hips forward if they have a tendency to stay more in the face on hip box in transition. Tom could also help himself by trying to get his weight out over the ball more at address, since it is easier to move toward the heels during the swing if the weight is not already situated over them at address.
Part 5: