Online Students: Ted Haley

By Wayne | Videos: Online Students

Here we have another exceptional swing with excellent rhythm and tempo and seemingly spot on mechanics that under closer scrutiny reveals some key issues that has its owner seeking help. Many times I do these swing analysis’ and through laziness or just procrastination don’t write the copy for a while and then am forced to watch the whole video over again in order to come up with a coherent summary of what the swing was doing and what I thought would be good ideas to help it out. What strikes me as I watch is the subtlety of problems that wind up producing approach and impact positions that simply can’t be as effective or consistent as is required to play a high level game. Obviously, Ted’s swing is far better than most, but as we see here, especially with the driver, the combination of pivot movement and right arm action lead to an overly in-to-out approach which makes it difficult to square the face and to start the ball on line. What is also obvious is that in order to diagnose and prescribe fixes for good players a detailed analysis is an absolute must, and slow motion video is a requirement. It would also be nice to have launch monitor information, but given a choice between the two and the ability to see the ball fly I would opt for the video. Drawing the lines that establish the initial conditions at address allow us to see that Ted moves out of the hip box in the forward swing and leaves his right arm behind him, a combination that is really apparent in his driver swing approach. These are prevalent issues with good players who don’t hit it as good as it seems their swings are, and the ideas for dealing with the problems here are applicable to just about every golfer.