This lesson is a good example of what can happen when a talented player tries to make a change but doesn’t quite get it right, which then leads to other changes which may not be so good. My suggestion to Taylor and her dad Alex was to have Taylor start her swing with her upper trunk instead of her hands and wrists. My concern was that she wasn’t getting a full coil in the upper body due to the quick fanning of the clubface in the takeaway. Her swing looked a bit short and flat, but it had nice width and sequence. In these swings she has tried to steepen her shoulder turn and coil more, but since the takeaway trigger has remained almost the same her right arm has now gotten much more behind her head with both the driver and the irons, and her approach to impact has gotten wider as a result. Her previous swings had her hands almost up to the ball when the shaft was parallel to the ground, while these swings have the hands well back of that. I think that if we can get the takeaway better then she can combine the bigger turn with width (hands more to the side of her head at the top) and then get the right arm more in front of her in the forward swing. She should feel like the grip end of the club keeps pointing at her belly button in the first few feet of the backswing; when she rolls her hands the grip immediately points out in front of her. This pinches the upper right arm into the side early, and we have seen the pattern that has the arm try to deepen late in the backswing many times before. Not to worry, though: her downswing movement is so good that when the backswing finds its way she will be back on track.