Online Students: Stuart Hoare

By Wayne | Videos: Online Students

This is a good one to watch as there are some essential items that we go over that I think will really help Stuart’s swing, starting with his balance and posture at address. Stuart sets up with his knees flexed towards the target and a lot of space between the back of his butt and his heels, and as his swing unfolds this has a tremendous impact on the entire ensuing pattern. He demonstrates almost a perfect takeaway, but as the hands reach the top of his swing his arms collapse somewhat, indicating that his “extensor action”, or the feeling of pushing the right palm into the left thumb while cocking the wrists (which in effect straightens the left arm as the right arm pushes outward) is somewhat lacking. Stuart’s downswing starts with his hands dropping backwards behind him, another item that I think is detrimental to any swing. We also see that in transition his knees are moving away from the target, which forces the upper body to move forward and disrupts his sequence, also a condition caused at least in part by his initial set up. Now, I still have to say that I think Stuart has the makings of an excellent swing as the tempo is perfectly rhythmical and aggressive, and his initial backswing lines are impeccable. The items I list here are big ones, but he is not far off and the good news is that I believe that with a few major tweaks he can really have some great action.