Online Students: Rob Kane Part 2

By Wayne | Videos: Online Students

I think it is so cool to be able to try to help someone from the other side of the world. Just thinking about the advances in technology over the last decade can make your head spin. Rob is from England, and here we see a classic right arm action issue, one that if you have watched a bunch of these lesson videos you find crops up quite often. Rob has a bunch of good stuff happening in his swing, and does a great job of returning the shaft pretty darn close to the original shaft plane on his approach to impact, so that the down the line view seems to indicate that Rob would be a great ball striker. This highlights the necessity to look at both the down the line and the face on views of the swing in order to make a complete analysis, as when we look at Rob’s face on view his major problems become quite apparent.
You can plainly see here as I run the swing back and forth that Rob’s main issue is in the transition area, no surprise really since this is the most complex area of the swing and probably the most difficult in which to develop awareness. It is a common mistake to overturn the right shoulder to complete the backswing, which pulls the right arm behind the body and leans the upper body forward to start the forward swing. Almost everyone has been encouraged at one point or another to make a “full turn”, and not understanding what the arms are supposed to be doing while attempting this big shoulder movement often leads to what we see here with Rob, the right arm falling well behind the body and the hands eventually releasing early.