Online Students: Rick James Part 2

By Wayne | Videos: Online Students

The first thing you notice about Rick’s swing is the similarities in body type, set-up, and swing rhythm to Ben Hogan. Upon further inspection, however, we find a big difference in the pivot motion, one which, because of its importance to the swing, is enough of a problem to keep Rick from hitting the ball at the level he desires. As you will see, Rick bends both his knees toward the ball in transition, which tilts his pelvis to more level and robs him of the space he needs to get his right arm in front of him approaching impact. My theory here is that because Rick keeps the clubface shut well into the backswing he needs to roll the left arm up his chest to keep the club from crossing the line at the top, and in order to reverse the right arm he recruits his lower body and winds up with the goat hump, early extension problem that we see so often in these online lessons. There is so much good stuff in Rick’s swing that if he could solve this issue I think he would improve dramatically.