Online Students: Parker Andrews Part 2

By Wayne | Videos: Online Students

“Hello Wayne,
It’s been about a week and I’m loving all your insight on the forum. Your concepts really click with me. I’m working on everything you suggested. Below is a list of what I’m working on from your comments of my old swing. After that are two quick questions for you:
-High hands at address
-Bent right arm in takeaway/address
-Weight on toes address
-Tall address
-Hands wrists open club takeaway
-Extensor action
-Parallel backswing lefts start drive 45 try to flex right knee more at this point
-Start of ds butt club goes out. Left knee goes behind right from dtl view (this is a key for me and appears to improve a lot of items)
-Right upper shoulder stays in front
-P3 squeeze arms
-Get left and back really hard with left hip AND with right shoulder clavicle covering
I’m excited to hear what your thoughts are on my latest YouTube swings.
Two questions:
1: I’m having trouble reconciling opening the face on the backswing while applying extensor action pressure with the right palm to the left thumb WITH a flapped right elbow. The amount of pressure is much stronger with a flattening left hand and tucked right elbow. Should I just except that the goal of extensor action is just to have it and not worry too much about the amount of pressures felt? Sorry for the complex question. The only reason I ask is because I’m having trouble maintaining extensor action throughout the DS.
2: Is there a drill you prefer for impact into post impact? I’m trying to work on Hogan’s continued bent right arm/leftward pivot/head on target line/and shaft staying on the original address shaft line. I’ve been doing countless slow motion swings and pump drills, and would love to know what drills you’d recommend.
I’ve found slow motion work has been the best for me on the pre impact issues.

As you read Parker’s email it is obvious that he is working hard and understands what he is trying to do. The video is crucial in determining what is actually happening when the ideas are put into play, and here we see that Parker’s right arm is still quite pinched in the backswing, which leads to the right arm pulling back and the hands moving backwards in transition instead of the hands moving forward. The late pull back of the upper right arm and shoulder lean Parker’s upper body to the left in transition and cause him to move his head a fair amount forward of his starting position, which is only good if the head was too far to the right at address, which it wasn’t. Parker’s right arm falls behind his body in the downswing, and as we have seen many times it is very difficult to get the hands up to the ball at shaft parallel to the ground approaching impact. With the driver the same movements tend to get the club stuck behind the body and coming too much in to out, and the excessive late right shoulder turn causes sequence problems starting down. Parker is already a 2 handicap and I think that when he begins to make significant progress on these items he will bump up to the next level.