Online Students: Nathan Maust Part 2

By Wayne | Videos: Online Students

As I watched this video over again it occurred to me that without slowing Nathan’s swing down it would be close to impossible to come up with an intelligent diagnosis, or at least one based on reality and not guesswork, in order to improve his pivot and hand movement. Nathan is obviously tremendously powerful, and with a few technique changes he could really have something going. Nathan tends to load a bit too far to the right with both the driver and the iron, and when he returns to impact he is still too far over there with his weight hanging back with his driver, although he recovers better with the iron. From the top his downswing pivot has the classic “knees under, head back” start down, with both knees flexing toward the ball as his upper body gets more vertical. Fixing this would be a big improvement. From there the video clearly shows that Nathan keeps his left wrist cupped well into the downswing, which forces him to release the club a bit sooner than he might like and less face stability.