Online Students: Mike Macaluso

By Wayne | Videos: Online Students

In Mike’s email that came with the videos he stated that he had an amateur event to play in soon and was looking for something that might help out his “mess of a swing” (his own words). I always like to give a thorough analysis when people pay for an online lesson so most times there are going to be too many things to practice all at once. I usually suggest what I think the priorities should be but that is really more up to the student to decide after fiddling with each item a bit. In the end we all have to combine multiple thoughts into more singular ones so that they are usable on the golf course, and this is every golfer’s main challenge. It’s not that hard to figure out what to work on (at least for me), but when there are too many things to do at what seems like the same time it’s a constant battle to organize your thoughts and come up with something simple enough to play with.
In this video I will make a number of observations and suggestions to Mike, and it won’t be until he tries a few things that he will know what will be extra stubborn and will have to be focused on the most. Certainly when you watch you will notice the excessive head movement, the lifting in the backswing, and the lack of structure in the arms, all making the squaring of the club more complicated.