This is Matt’s second online lesson, and both his improvement and his need for more improvement are evident. In many ways Matt is representative of a new group of young, athletic golfers who possess the ability to move the club quite fast but suffer from erratic play due to technique oriented ball striking problems. Here you can see that Matt has made exceptional strides in his down the line view. In his first swing from August you can see that he crossed the line a significant amount at the top, a condition that some players can recover from, but since Matt steepens the club initially starting forward it was evident that the cross needed to be fixed. In the new swing you will note that the club is no longer crossed, which doesn’t guarantee everything else will be great, but certainly gives him a chance at a better approach to impact. He takes advantage of the better position at the top by flattening the shaft at the start of the downswing, and you can see that the shaft cuts through his right arm much less steeply in the new swing. Matt complains that he is struggling with incorporating the “side-arm throwing motion”, but it is obvious that he is making headway in this regard.
The area Matt needs to continue to grind on is his pivot movement, as his legs are still moving under him too much, leading to a still weak impact position. The stick drill, which helps keep the hips in the box, is always good for this issue, but it doesn’t address head pull-back, which must accompany deeper hips in order for the whole package to produce better ball striking. I will be doing another video to summarize my impact drills and to introduce a few new ones, as it is obvious that without hands- on instruction the feel of superior impact is hard, but not impossible, to get.