“Hi Wayne. Just a bit of background on my game. I took about a 10 year break from the game and started playing again in September. As you can see I have a set up in my garden and I am committed to doing exactly what you tell me to. I know I have a lot of errors in the swing but just want to be as good as I can be”.
Looking at Mark’s swing we again see the classic swing pattern where the legs push to the right in transition while the upper right arm moves backwards behind the right side. As usual, the setup plays a big role in producing this unwanted swing shape. Mark is very tight and stiff at address, with his arms looking suspiciously like the picture in the Hogan book where his arms are bound up with rope. Mark’s weight appears to me to be toward his heels as he looks to be sitting back a bit, and we can see that there is quite a bit of space between the butt line and the heels. I compare Mark’s setup to Adam Scott’s, one which I’ve used as an example many times in the past because it is so good. Mark needs to keep his grip firm but relax and bend his arms while standing up and leaning forward in a more athletic posture. If we can then get the upper trunk to initiate the backswing instead of the hands and wrists we will be making some real progress. The already bent right arm will hopefully have more width and depth as the club swings back, and since Mark’s weight started more in the balls of his feet he can now move toward his right heel later in the backswing. The forward swing will start with the right foot (now more braced inward) pushing and twisting toward the left heel, and he will have to really work on getting his hands to move more toward the ball with the shaft leaning back on his right index finger. The overall result will be to create more space for the right arm to get in front of the body and eventually for the hands to be more forward at impact with the irons.