Online Students: John Lamendola Part 8

By Wayne | Videos: Online Students

If you want to see how you can improve your swing via online lessons just watch my lessons with John Lamendola. He sends his swings, I make suggestions, and then he works on it for a while and sends another swing. If you think about it, say you had a great teaching pro at your club and you had the opportunity to conveniently take a lesson with him or her every week at a reasonable price: would you take advantage of it? I think that if you are serious about your game and tired of not improving you would give it a shot. John has been pretty relentless in his online lesson taking, and to be honest he does have the advantage of having an excellent facility built into his own house which makes it easy for him to put in the work, but just look at how his swing has evolved. Not only has his swing gotten mechanically better, he has been hitting it better on the course and shooting better scores. I think that anyone could improve or at least be encouraged that improvement was possible simply by watching the process as we attack John’s chronic flaws and try to simplify his technique. The lessons always work the same way: I look at the swings that are sent and watch them as though they are the first that I have ever seen. Of course, this is an ongoing effort but one of the keys to effective teaching is to start the lesson with what the student shows up with. I always consider how we are trying to progress but that does not change the fact that what a particular swing is doing is the main concern when trying to diagnose and prescribe options to improve it. Chronic issues occur over and over and are by definition the most difficult to change. They are also the most annoying, as many lessons seem redundant, and most people, when faced with constant failure, will want to move on to another item. I am a very stubborn person and teacher, however, and if I must say the same thing repeatedly I will do so if I believe that the issue at hand is absolutely necessary to get a handle on in order to be able to move on. That does not mean that I won’t bounce around a bit and mix it up with some work on items further on in the progression, but we will always have to come back to that root issue that starts the bad pattern.