Working on takeaway, trying to rotate left wrist in takeaway to get toe up. Also trying to increase depth of hips and stay deeper on down swing. Still not sure how to get right arm in right place. May need to schedule an in-person lesson sometime soon.
Thanks! john
John is having a great deal of trouble changing his takeaway, and he is not alone. Trigger mechanisms are a bitch to change and when you watch John’s swing here versus his last online lesson you can see that while he has made progress with his pivot movement his takeaway is still a big problem. I focus the slow-motion video on John’s hands as he prepares to move the club into the backswing: he grips, then lets go, then grips again just as he moves the clubhead back. This is a good indication that he does not have enough grip pressure to move the club off the ground and into motion without grabbing the handle, and when he does so he rotates his left forearms and moves both hands away from his body, at the same time leaving the clubhead close to the ground. His right arm folds in fails to gain early depth, and by the time he gets to left arm parallel the upper right arm wants to pull back to gain what feels to be more turn. This type of action invariably causes the club to cross the line at the top, as well as causing big sequence problems with the pullback of the right shoulder starting the forward swing instead of the lower body. John needs to increase his grip pressure and start the swing with his entire upper trunk. If he could get the shaft more on plane and improve his sequencing he would have made significant improvements to his overall swing.