Online Students: John Krystynak Part 3

By Wayne | Videos: Online Students

I’ve had 2 video lessons from you and they were very helpful. I’m still working on the main concepts from those. Mainly working on takeaway, right arm folding and also trying to improve depth and hip move. I am in better control of the ball, have some ability to draw it. Sometimes turns into a hook. Would like to eliminate club crossing over and resulting OTT.

Here we see a great example of just how difficult it is to change a swing pattern from the beginning. John has made nice strides with his lower body movement, and that is a difficult thing to accomplish. His main issue here is still the way his right arm and shoulder works right from the start of the swing. By pulling the right shoulder upward to start the swing John keeps the clubface somewhat shut, and then pins his upper right arm to his side. The result, as you will see, is a narrow backswing that crosses the club at the top and has the right arm jammed up behind his head as he moves into transition. That combination forces the club to steepen initially in the change of direction and make it extremely difficult to get the right upper arm in front of the chest and forward heading into impact. John needs to start his swing with his trunk rotating more on his spine angle so that the right shoulder moves more around than up, and at the same time he needs to keep the space between the upper right arm and his side open in order to widen his takeaway. Then, if he moves his hands more inward toward his body and adds a bit of forearm rotation to open the face he will find his backswing to be completely change for the better, and along with the improvements already made in the hip action I believe he will be on his way to much better ball striking.