Online Students: Joakim Strom Part 4

By Wayne | Videos: Online Students

Joakim has taken a number of online lessons and his swing has shown great progress. We still need to work on a few things so that his impact with the iron shots can be more forward leaned and sustained past impact. To start with I suggest that he soften his arms at address (let the elbows bend a bit) and then turn his upper trunk earlier in the backswing so that by the time the left arm is parallel to the ground he would look and feel almost fully coiled with his shoulders turned almost 90 degrees. Then, in transition, he needs to combine a few things in order to achieve his desired impact, starting with the combination of aggressive lateral movement, about double what he has at present, and a corresponding outward movement of the hands to start the forward swing. He still tends to drop the hands and arms vertically from the top, which in most cases is going to stick the right arm behind the right side of the upper trunk and not allow the right wrist to sustain its bend into and past impact. As he tries to magnify the amount of forward hip and leg movement he must still rotate aggressively, which he can do if he tries to drive the hips 45 degrees left by pushing off the inside of the right foot.
This swing has come a long way, and is now in position to make the most important changes of all. Quality contact is the first imperative, and if Joakim can get his hands approaching impact with more support from the arms and pivot he will be able to line the shaft up with his left arm after he has hit the ball instead of having it look “flipped” where it lines up immediately with the right arm.
Check out the history of Joakim’s progress (part 4 below):
Click for parts one and two.
Click for part three.