“I have struggled with early extension, have tried to stay in the box. Recently have tried a drill with the stick (shaft) in ground between my legs, with some improvement. Also worked on getting the shaft on the downswing below the backswing plane. I am still inconstant with solid contact.”
Thanks – Jim
Jim has a nice setup his weight looks forward on the feet and in a good position to start his swing. The first thing I notice is that Jim’s swing is a bit slow at a ratio of about 40/10 which works out to a 4/1 and instead I’d like to see it a bit faster and a 3/1 ratio. I suggest adding a metronome to Jim’s practice sessions and to watch my tempo video. Next I notice Jim is right loading a bit too far and coming out of the box in the face-on view leaving him with lots of ground to make up. I still want to see some right load but I want Jim to achieve this by keeping his hips in the box and not allowing his right foot to roll over. As Jim reaches the top he makes a looping move caused by a takeaway that is too far out in front. I want to see Jim get deeper in the takeaway and actually reverse the looping move he makes. Jim’s right elbow position is contributing to this path and softer elbows at address are going to help.