Online Students: Jake Gilmer

By Wayne | Videos: Online Students

Jake has been struggling with his game and with incorporating the ideas he has gotten from watching the website, and here we see pretty clearly why this is the case. The first thing that I make note of in the video is Jake’s practice swing, which I prefer to call a “rehearsal” swing. He rises up significantly as he takes the club back, then when he tries to get the feel of the right arm moving more correctly inward in a sidearm motion he continually flattens the shaft until it is stuck far behind his hands with the face wide open. It may seem inconsequential that a practice swing is incorrect, but in order to bread these ingrained patterns of movement every swing, whether with a ball or not, should be made attempting to change the things that are detrimental to your ball striking. Of course, that is why you take a lesson in the first place, as Jake was not likely to ever figure out that his rehearsals were screwed up, and were leading into an actual swing that looked remarkably the same. So you would figure that if he can make his real swing look like his practice move, at least going back, that if his practice move were better his swing would get better. That’s the theory, anyway.
From there I make note of a number of significant items, not the least of which is the way the right arm moves in transition. I suggested watching the Hogan videos and the right arm video, and go over some drills to start in on. Jake is pretty far from where he wants to be but if he is patient and keeps his eye on his progress with the camera he should be able to make some headway in a short period of time. It will be a long haul, however, to get that right arm to reverse its movement and connect into the front of the right side so that he can get his hands in front of the ball at impact with the body and arms coordinated. It will take a lot of effort, but it will be worth it.