Wayne a couple of things as we have made good progress:
– more wrist cock at top of swing so I don’t push with my right arm up – this really helped me to load a bit more in right side oddly enough
– Trying to stay with my hips inside the box – this really allows me to come less shallow into the ball and more around as I am trying like the devil to extract my left leg as I push with my right
I tend to do better when I think of squatting as I came back down toward the ball.
– Worked on the posture – nothing works if I don’t get this right
Working hard
As you will see in this video Erik has absolutely made some real progress with his swing. I make a few suggestions here, most notably with a continuation of the work on the posture and the transition movement with the pivot. As usual all this is interrelated as Erik’s tendency to bend his neck down at address leads him to raise it up a bit as he gets to the top, where he starts down by shifting his knees under himself and backing up when viewed from down the line and leaning his upper body over his lower at the change of direction from face on. With better use of the ground Erik can improve his sequence and continue to improve the overall package.