Online Students: Drew Belt

By Wayne | Videos: Online Students

“I am a PGA Professional at West Lake CC in Augusta GA. I am trying to get into playing in the section more…and need to work on my game a little more! I see things that are going on. But I can’t ever seem to help myself. (I am my biggest critic I suppose) I don’t hit the ball far enough at times for my size. I am about 6.4 – 185…swing speed with the driver is around 108. Miss is always left hook…lately I have been content to block it right. Irons are the stronger part of my game. “
I did Drew’s swing analysis right after doing a “Pro Tip of the Week” regarding soft arms at address. Drew has the classic look of someone who has tried to emulate the picture in Hogan’s Five Lessons where he says that the arms and elbows should be as close to the body as possible all during the swing. Of course, Hogan never did this in real life, and this one instruction has caused as much damage to average players as any one you could think of. Drew starts with his arms extended and elbows locked, and from there his right arm stays tucked in to his body during the backswing. He also stands quite erect while being very tall, and then gets taller as the swing unfolds. My main suggestions here are to soften the arms and bend over a bit more at address in a more natural, athletic position, then let the right arm flair in the takeaway with the clubface opening more. Drew’s challenge is to add posture in the downswing to make room for his right arm to get in front of his chest for added leverage, and to use the ground better for more explosiveness through impact.