Wayne: “Just paid online. As you will see from the videos Conner has work on strengthening his grip and squaring the right foot. He has been working on trying to keep the beltline more level in the backswing. He has hit it pretty well and the routine is pretty good. He complains about his foot work and balance. He does not feel like he has much rhythm. Let us know what you think. He made it to the round of 16 at the PNGA last week and only has one more tournament to play in before reporting back to school. “
Bob Kumpula
If you haven’t watched Connor’s online lessons from the first one you should really go back and check each one of them out. The improvement really shows that online work can help even the best players, and as you watch Connor’s swing it’s hard not to agree that it’s one of the best you will see. He has gone from wanting to quit the game to being one of the best amateurs in his state, and is amassing a nice college career as well. He definitely has the ability to take his game to the next level, and what we see here are a couple of minor suggestions that will hopefully keep his swing progressing. I would like to see Connor eliminate some of his head movement off the ball in the backswing, and I would like to see less lower body rotation in the backswing as well. By changing his foot alignment at address to one where his right foot is squared in and his left foot is turned more outward he can keep his right leg from twisting so much and at the same time keep his left knee from dropping down and inward so much that his left foot gets heavy toward the front. This quieter lower body feeling should also help him move less off the ball, with the net result being a backswing that feels tighter and more controllable.