Online Students: Conner Kumpula Part 3

By Wayne | Videos: Online Students

“Here is an update. Conner has qualified as #1 for two weeks in a row at Oregon State. Hitting the ball well, but still not hitting the driver very often due to inconsistencies. It has not hurt him much because the 3 wood off the tee is going 290 and staying in play. He has been focusing most of his effort on trying to quiet down the right leg on the down swing. The two drills he is using to accomplish this are standing on two 2 x 4’s and hitting balls and your one 2 x 4 under the front foot and hitting balls. He has not drilled as much rehearsing a neutral blade lately which might have shut the blade a little again. Last Sunday in his practice round at the Husky Invitational he pulled a muscle between the solder blades and could not play on Monday. He was very disappointed to say the least. Let me know us know if you see anything that could have contributed to the injury in the swing.”

If you have watched Connor’s first two online lessons you can easily see his improvement. In this video I compare his swing to Charl Schwartzel’s with the focus on quieting down his trigger movement and his leg movement in the backswing. The swing is a pattern, and many times excessive movement in the forward swing is caused in part by the motion of the backswing. Connor’s knees begin to buckle forward at about left arm parallel going back, and with his powerful leg drive the initial direction of the movement forward is too much to the right. I would like to see him take the club back with his upper trunk, delaying the lower body and waiting until the upper turn “catches” and moves the lower.