Chuck’s swing is improving incrementally and it is obvious how much he works at it because his tendency is to overdo the things he is working on rather than to resist change. In this lesson I focus on 4 major items: I would like him to try to eliminate the way he shrugs his shoulders to trigger his swing: I want his swing to be more continuous (you will spot a major pause at the top of his swing as he tries to make sure he is flattening the shaft and bringing his hands out toward the ball) by initiating his forward swing as the backswing is still heading back: I’d like him to eliminate some of the lateral movement with his hips by aiming the motion more sharply to the left (thus introducing rotation more immediately): and lastly I’d like him to feel a bit more bent over at address and especially into the forward swing (which should be helped by not standing up in the takeaway). This swing is really coming around and if we can get it to be more fluid and less forced it will function much better on the course.