Hey Wayne, here are my latest swings. I’ve been working hard on everything you are teaching me. I thought I really had something for a couple weeks when I tried to isolate the swing into three different movements. It was back to left arm parallel, from there into transition and left arm parallel on the downswing, from there to impact and follow through. I don’t know, it seemed to work for a while but I couldn’t seem to put the pieces together and I was in a little bit of a slump again. So anyway we had a four-person scramble yesterday and I had a few key swing thoughts and I actually hit the ball pretty darn good. So I thought I would do another online lesson and see how things were looking. When I started taping my swing I could see I was still doing my chronic issues like dropping the hands down and goat humping. So, I knew my one day of good ball striking wouldn’t hold up in the long-term. So I kept working on all of the things you’re teaching me but doing them in full swings instead of isolating the three different movements I mentioned. I feel like I had some success today and have made some progress. I was preparing the swings to send to you and I tried to do one last video where my transition was a little bit speedier and I had more space under my right arm going back. That caused some more problems that I fixed but I didn’t have enough time to send you more videos with those changes. So in these videos you’ll see a slow transition and maybe not enough space under the right arm going back. I’m very curious what you will say about that and if it’s even an issue. Anyways, thank you as always and I’ll keep working on it! I’m trying to load up to about left arm parallel and then push my right hip deeper behind me and at the same time feel a little squeeze in my arms together so my right elbow is in position to go in front of my body on the downswing. When my lower body catches my upper body and I feel that stretch, I’m trying to feel my hands go out at that first movement of the downswing and the club shaft lay back. Of course I’m trying to feel the hips actually deepen and I try to steepen my posture a little bit and then explode those hips up, back and left.
Chuck has made great strides with his backswing, which makes it possible now to focus on transition and the approach to impact. Chuck has a pronounced pause at the top of his swing as he tries to make sure he flattens the shaft (which he does), but the flattening does not seem to be the result of the dynamic movement of his pivot initiating the forward motion with the lower body pulling the left arm against the chest, but rather a purposeful laying off of the shaft in an independent movement. Chuck needs to “catch” the hands as they approach the end of the back movement rather than slowing down to make sure they twist the club to the left. He still needs to get his upper right arm to move less downward and more forward, and I think that he can accomplish that if he stays in motion and feels the sidearm throwing action. As you will see, Chuck is heading into impact with his left wrist pronouncedly cupped, and the only way he can square the face is to utilize a throw release. He needs to begin supinating his left forearm and forward flexing his left wrist much earlier if he is going to keep the club approaching impact on plane and retaining enough angle to achieve a drive/hold release.