Hi Wayne. Here are my latest. Somehow I misinterpreted some things you were trying to teach me regarding the use of my lower body during my last lesson in Boca. You showed me on the last online lesson that I was goat humping. I take full responsibility for all of the impregnated goats. Currently, I’m trying to feel my hips working around me up and to the left instead of thrusting my glutes into the ball. I think I’m doing a better job of using my lower body correctly on these swings. The dtl driver swing was the last one I recorded today and I really tried to concentrate on getting the left hip out to the left on the downswing instead of goat humping on that one. I can see these patterns that I have for other things are very hard to change and correct but I’m enjoying working on it and improving. As always I’m trying to feel the pull of the lower body and have that pull the arms down. I’m trying not to drop the hands at the top of the downswing straight down (they should go at the ball) but there may be a little of that in these swings. I’m trying to feel the lower body pull the club down through the left arm connection to the chest and while that happens I’m trying to feel the club shallow out behind me as the right arm actively moves into position. It is very, very difficult for me to get my hands down to the ball on the iron swing. I left in a little face on iron swing drill that I have been doing. I exaggerate the feeling of hands down to the ball and I exaggerate shaft lean. This exaggeration seems to be helping. I’ll keep doing this until I start over doing it. I wonder if I will ever get to that point. As I watch this I see that maybe I’m not maintaining my width on the way down for that iron face on swing. However, in the drill I seem to be doing it correctly? I can see on some of these face on views I’m not loading up as well as I used to as the hips seem to cut back a little but I still tried to send you my best ones of the day. I also am trying to be more stacked over the ball and not hang the back. As you can see I always have to focus on keeping my head out over the ball down the line. I am trying to release my eyes and head as I hit the ball but hanging back is a tough pattern to break. I’ve been out here on the range all day practicing. As always thank you for your assistance. I know I’m getting the best when I come to you and it’s appreciated. Thank you, Chuck Zellner
As you will see in the video Chuck has made some nice improvement in his lower body action, but since last lesson he has started dropping his hands and arms behind him in transition, which we all know makes getting the shaft forward at impact quite difficult. I encourage Chuck to keep trying to center himself over the ball instead of leaning to the right, and also to load less to the right in the backswing. As always he needs to think about keeping his head out over the ball, and if he does it will make his pelvis have less tendency to level in the downswing. One big item here is the movement of the right arm from address to the top: Chuck has overdone the bend of the right arm at address and from there gets it too high at the top, jamming the shoulder up and making it hard to externally rotate it so that the upper arm can move more in front of his chest in transition. I want him to try to pinch the arm earlier (the opposite of countless others) so that the right forearm will be more vertical as he changes direction. I think this will really help him to actually get the hands to the ball at shaft parallel in the forward swing.