Online Students: Chip Zabatta Part 2

By Wayne | Videos: Online Students

Chip has already made great strides with his swing after his first online lesson. He has stabilized his lower body movement to a great degree and has added a ton of width to his backswing as well. These improvements now give him a chance to focus on the next big issue, which is that of his hands looping back behind him in transition. His swing pattern is to swing the club out in front of him in the backswing, then to pull the arms back across and behind him in the downswing. I would like him to get his hands and arms moving deeper (more inward) in the backswing so that it will be easier to make sense of moving the hands out toward the ball in transition as the left arm responds to the pivot movement. Now that his legs are more stable I would also like him to feel as though his hands are tied to his left knee and that his change of direction will be less out to the right and more around as the hips clear more immediately.