Online Students: Byron Miles Part 2

By Wayne | Videos: Online Students

Byron signed up for a phone conversation but decided to send in a couple more swings to see if he had made progress after viewing the first lesson. I don’t understand why more people don’t do two in a row like that as I think Byron will be able to fully incorporate the changes after getting feedback on his first attempts. Some of these changes feel so exaggerated that it’s hard to do them enough because it feels like there is no way that it could be correct. Byron went a long way toward centering his stance and moving away from the ball to give himself more space for his arms in the forward swing, and he reports a 10-12 yard increase in driver distance. I add a couple more suggestions here, including slowing down the backswing tempo in order to get closer to a 3:1 rhythm, and also flattening the left wrist earlier in the downswing to start the process of closing the face so that the hands don’t have to throw the club at the ball to square it.