“Been working on my setup and grip, it feels pretty natural now. During my swing I’m working on deepening my hips.
My knees want to move towards the ball on the downswing, still need some help in that area, maybe that will help me not flip it?
Looking forward to your comments regarding my swing, I’m sure you’ll shed some light my way!
Thanks a million”
As you will see in the video Billy has made some tremendous improvements since I saw him in person in Arizona back in December. The further suggestions here focus on an idiosyncratic move that Billy has in transition when he shrugs his shoulders, dropping his chin into his chest and tightening the right bicep, which then does not allow the right arm to straighten at all in the first part of the downswing. It is imperative in any swing that the right arm lose some of its bend in the downswing, as this enables the hands to approach impact closer to the body and more toward the original shaft plane. Many great players have played with a high hand release, but for most normal people the task of bending the left wrist downward to get to the ball while simultaneously supinating the forearm and turning the wrist down to square the face is too much to handle on a consistent basis. To un-complicate the release Billy needs to feel that his arms stay “long”, while his head stays up and his neck retains its full length. His sidearm throwing motion needs to feel more “submarine” like, with hands lower and further away from his chin.