Online Students: Austin Kendziorski

By Wayne | Videos: Online Students

Austin’s already had a very nice motion when he came to me for help but since then he has improved his mechanics substantially. His main issue has always been an overuse of the right upper arm in transition, driving the elbow in too aggressively and flattening the club for too long a period, causing the shaft to get stuck behind his hands on the approach. Here you see that he now has the shaft approaching from just above the right forearm and exiting more around on plane to the left, which will help him square the face with a less complicated release action. My suggestion as we move forward is for him to open the face a bit more during the backswing, which I believe allows the right shoulder to get to the top in a more relaxed fashion rather than getting jammed back with the scapula retracting, while also promoting a more on plane position for the shaft at left arm parallel. This gets tricky with the right arm as it tends to want to pinch in to open the face, so he must make sure to keep the width, height and depth of the upper arm while rotating the face with the hands, wrists, and lower forearms.