Online Students: Andrew Terry Part 2

By Wayne | Videos: Online Students

As you will see right away in this video Andrew has an excellent swing that to the eye at full speed appears to need no adjusting. Especially good is his pivot motion, which uses the ground quite well and exhibits the upper/lower separation that everyone is looking for. My suggestions here are based on my own preferences for arm position in the setup and right arm action during the swing. Andrew has particularly tight arms at address (quite similar to the drawing in Five Lessons of Hogan with cord wrapped around his arms), and the lack of bend in the right arm keeps it straight in the first half of the backswing. He has nice extension away from his body, but the upper right arm is pinched well in front of his chest at left arm parallel and then seeks more depth as he moves into transition. The pattern here is not as obvious as it is with most players due to the nice coiling of his upper trunk, but the back of the right arm and shoulder pull back slightly at the end of the backswing which in turn causes the upper body to start the forward swing with a slight lean to the left just before the lower body has a chance to get started. With the upper right arm pulling back a bit as the upper body starts forward (out of sequence) the arms move into the forward swing a bit narrow. I would like to see Andrew bend his arms at address, let his right arm flair at the start of the backswing, and as he pushes the hands away from the body getting to the top he can start forward by pushing off his right foot. This improved sequence will help stop his right elbow sooner, help him feel the sidearm throwing motion, and keep his right arm wider initially in the downswing. From there he can work on straightening the arm and getting his hands to pass by closer to his body on the approach to impact. His body movement is creating a bunch of space for his arms, and I believe he could take more advantage of that by adjusting the way his arms function during the swing.