Online Students: Andrew Paul

By Wayne | Videos: Online Students

Here is the email Andrew sent with his swings.
In 23 yrs. of golf (I’m 53, 6′-4″, 220 lbs., and marginally athletic) could never maintain a steady head. It would always come up and back. Been focusing on lowering it with the right hip going back and it worked thanks to your teaching on the web site. I would like to achieve three things. 1. Body opening up more through impact. 2. Hands not so “flippy” through the hitting area. 3. Finish with weight all the way forward with my right foot straight up on my toes.
Seeing my head lower in the backswing still amazes me.
Thanks, Andrew Paul

As you will see, Andrew has an excellent move, and is also quite cognizant of what he would like to improve. After watching his swings a few times I could see that all three of the items on his wish list could be addressed by achieving better use of the big muscles of his butt and upper legs. Rather than just trying to explain this I show a few examples (Hogan and Tiger as usual) and also film myself down in the dungeon ( my basement laboratory) demonstrating the technique of “standing up” into impact. Of course, we all know that standing up into a shot is bad, but here we see that it is only bad when it is done too early. If the body is bent over enough, pushed forward enough, and open enough, the act of “standing up”, or squeezing the glutes and upper legs together will complete the forward and rotational drive of the lower body and allow the right arm to drive through impact while maintaining the bend in the right wrist: thus, a more forward leaning impact and better contact.