Online Student: Kerry Ondrovik

By Wayne | Videos: Online Students

Here is an excellent swing that lacks what I would call “dynamics”, meaning that watching the wrist and hand action I could see that it just wasn’t’ going to produce the kind of speed that the rest of the mechanics would seem to almost guarantee. The hands and wrists are hugely important elements to the production of speed (among other things) and my advice to Kerry here is to free up his hands by cupping the left wrist a bit at the top (a la Webb Simpson) and then creating more of an angle between his left arm and the shaft when the left arm is parallel to the ground in the downswing. This additional lag should come in handy as he approaches impact, allowing him to get his hands more forward at impact without dragging a wide angle approach through the ball. Not only will the hands be more forward, they will be going faster as they unleash from their more bent position on the approach. With the driver this release comes from further back to enable an ascending blow, but the idea is the same.