I filmed these in the rain yesterday because I don’t see a good weather day in the near future.
I’ve struck the ball very well this year and played better despite my driving becoming progressively worse.
I made a lot of progress this offseason, but I’ve seen regression in the structure and pattern.
I try to feel my arms staying tighter to my body with the club pointing more left at the top.
But in an effort to swing faster and gain distance, old habits have turned up.
There are videos from yesterday, one from today (where I made an effort to think about what feelings I had when I was swinging better) and an older swing.
I like to cut the ball and haven’t been able to this year with any consistency.
My putting is finally here, and I know I can win and win often if I can regain my ball control.
Zach is a club professional from Pennsylvania who has been working with me every now and then for a few years. You can see that he has very nice rhythm to go with a strong impact (and he’s a strong guy as well), but in the swings we see here, the start of his swing is taking him off plane and forcing him to steepen the club in transition. My suggestions focus mostly on the takeaway, as I would like to see him keep his upper body out over the ball instead of sitting back as he triggers his swing. The backing up of the upper trunk and head combined with an outward movement of the hands and arms and a closed clubface gets him laid off by a considerable amount at left arm parallel. I want him to take the arms more toward him as he stays more out over the ball and deepens the hips with the pelvis staying tilted while opening the clubface a bit more with increased forearm rotation. This should help him stand the club up more vertically at left arm parallel, which will help him change his flat to steep pattern in transition to one that flattens the club as he starts down and steepens it back up into impact. The best way for him to practice this is with stop and go drills starting from P2, P3, and P4. I’d also like to see a bit more forward drive with the hips so that he can get to the inside edge of his right foot a bit more at impact.