Message to Wayne Hi Wayne – Some context: I’m 63, play about 10 rounds per year, hcap about 8-ish. Though not playing much now I still like to work on my swing.
Re swing: I get roll-y a bit in takeaway and get laid-off/flat-ish at top, and for me it seems to help me get the club down in front of me better When I get the club outside my hands on the takeaway better and get the shaft more down the line at the top it seems that the club then gets coming in from too much inside on the downswing. I have trouble keeping my backswing from getting to long at top, can’t seem to get my hands away from my head enough at top. So that’s it, look forward to your feedback.
This is a genuinely nice swing for an 8 handicap who only plays 10 times a year. I’d like to see Victor center his setup as opposed to leaning left at address, and from there I want to see more extension in the takeaway so that there is space under the right arm at P2. This should help Victor widen his backswing (he should try to reduce the amount of wristcock at P3) and add height to his eventual top of the swing position. Victor exhibits excellent sequence starting down, and I think if he were to consciously add left wrist flexion earlier in the downswing between P4 and P5 that he could get his hands a bit more forward at P6 and have more shaft lean and a flatter left wrist past impact. I would suggest Victor watch and practice the punch shot drills I have on the website in order to train his hands to square the face with left forearm supination and left wrist flexion and not a throw type release, which is baked in if the left wrist is cupped too long heading into impact.