Online Lesson: Justin Baker- Continuing to Work on Extension and Lateral Movement

By Wayne | Videos: Online Students

“Swing is looking better but still not hitting it how I would like especially the driver as you will see. I’m thinking a touch more lateral and then clearing harder with the left side/pushing with the glutes. Hope you had a good holiday and thanks for all you do.”

If you watch Justin’s last lesson from August you will note that this one is almost the same, which is to be expected as changes for a player as good as Justin are usually incremental and subtle. I would still like to see him more extended in the backswing with a more delayed wrist cock and a higher left arm angle at the top, which would mean a higher right arm as well. In a face to face lesson I would focus on getting him to feel that stretch in the takeaway along with a feeling of almost no wrist cock (which would still cock plenty). I want him to have more air under the right arm at the top so that he can move it more forward, and with a bit of hip deepening could create more space for his arms through impact, which in turn could help him reduce the amount of right arm “chase” in his release. Justin is young and has a good build for the swing, and I feel he could take more advantage of his strength and flexibility, which is why I continue to show him Xander Schauffle, who I believe gets more out of his body than almost anyone on Tour.