At first glance my impression of John’s swing was that the hesitation at the beginning of the swing would have to be smoothed out so that he could get to more of the 3:1 rhythm that most top players use. However, more and more we see players on television who take the club away much slower, and sometimes with the same type of pausing as John uses, and since John has the club traveling on almost perfectly on plane, I decided to leave that alone. The two major things I discuss are the setup posture where I would like him to be more athletically over the balls of his feet, his movement from P3 to P4, and then his lower body movement in the downswing. I want John to add more forearm rotation from P3 to P4 (pronation in the left and supination in the right) in order to point the shaft more left and on plane at the top as opposed to crossing the line, and then focus hard on getting off his right side in transition with the hips adding both lateral movement and rotation. My hope is that the combination of these change will be to have the hands, arms and club approaching from a deeper position and the hands advancing more in front of the ball at P6, which in turn should lead to more forward shaft lean at impact and a more compressed strike.