Message to Wayne: Wayne, I’m looking forward to your analysis. I am 100% self-taught and am currently playing around a 1. 60 years old and still moving it well in my mind.
One thing is for sure: being self-taught and a 1 handicap at age 60 is pretty darn good. After watching the swings, I knew that a simple change could make for huge differences because so much of the swing is excellent. Jim has a common swing pattern: shaft swings low and behind him from P1 to P2, gets well across the line by P4, and to uncross it and wheel it back onto plane he recruits his lower body for help and pushes his pelvis underneath him. This causes his lower body to rotate slowly as he loses posture and an inability to sustain a flat left wrist past impact because the upper right side can’t advance far enough at impact, thus “running out of right arm” and forcing a flip type release. Obviously, Jim is exceptionally good at what he does. If he were a 15 handicap, I would recommend the same things, although I believe that the subsequent changes for Jim will be way easier to manage than they would be for a lesser player. Having the club more on plane going back and not crossing the line so much at the top will give him a chance to retain his forward bend, clear and keep his hips deeper into impact, and thus be able to cover the shot with his right side and maintain right wrist bend past impact as the face closes less rapidly. This will allow him to compress the ball better and control his ball flight and allow him to hit the occasional fade when he needs to.