Online Lesson Follow-Up: Thomas Petric

By Wayne | Videos: Online Students

As you will see in his follow-up swings, Thomas has made some nice progress with the things I suggested in our online lesson by centering his setup, moving the ball a bit more forward, and controlling his backswing from P3 to P4, which in turn helps to improve his sequence by eliminating some of the right arm and shoulder pull back that lean the upper body forward before the pelvis can get the forward motion started. Next for Thomas is going to have to be learning to sustain the angle between the left forearm and the shaft and release the club later to store more power and present a forward leaning shaft into impact with the irons. It’s hard to say what is the ultimate cause of a throw release, but in my experience, it is one of the hardest things to fix in any golf swing. Thomas suggested that I do some filming of myself demonstrating what I am discussing in the videos, and I will do that shortly.