Online Lesson Follow-Up: Eric Ashcroft

By Wayne | Videos: Online Students

 Message to Wayne: Hi Wayne, these are a couple follow up swings from my lesson a couple of weeks ago. I’ve been working to roll the right foot, push off the right leg towards 10:30/11:00 (from a DTL perspective), and keep the head and right scapula from drifting too far towards the target on the backswing. I’d appreciate any further feedback you might have on these things or anything else.
 Any idea why I’m seeing my AoA so negative? I’m regularly seeing my mid and short irons creep up around -7 and I’m taking fairly sizeable divots. I’d be fine with it other than the ball flight seems a little spinny. Perhaps this relates to me drifting too far toward target side in the backswing?

Watching Eric’s new swings, I think he has improved his backswing by limiting the amount the right shoulder pulls back and overturns, making the swing look wider and the right arm in a better position to work in the downswing. His head is still moving a bit to the left after the trigger so I’d like to see him set up with a more centered upper body, then try to feel like the rightward movement of the upper body (taking the head with it) happens gradually and starts as soon as the club moves. As far as his angle of attack being a bit sharper, I would just move the ball slightly forward and see what happens. Another item that has improved is the opening of the hips by trying to drive them on more of a diagonal than toward the target with the right foot rolling inward instead of lifting up, although it appears that he is keeping the right heel on the ground too long, which in turn may cause the upper body to stay bent forward, keeping the left leg from being able to push upward and straighten after impact. Once the lateral drive has been achieved (by about P 5.5) I would like him to concentrate on rotating the left hip and knee while pushing up off the ground and squeezing the glutes.