Dallas is the son of my long time off and on student Justin Duffie, who has been coaching Dallas with what he has learned during our lessons over the last 10 years or so. Dallas has had some great results in his junior tournaments and is a remarkable athlete in multiple sports. His swing shows great physical ability for one so young, and here we see a flaw I find common among both growing boys and girls, the inability to sequence the hips correctly to start the forward swing. Dallas so far is relatively small for his age, although that won’t last long as his father played offensive line for the University of Maryland. In trying to hit the ball as far as possible Dallas has sought power by spinning his hips and leaning his upper body forward. It will be difficult at first to get his lower body to lead and to pull his right side into the downswing (he’s a lefty), but now is the time to train this. I have no doubt that once he gets the feel for the proper sequencing, he will master it. I usually like to put an object in front of the lead hip to have him move into it before he hits the ball, and with the same idea in mind I might put something against his trail hip to have him move away from it. Of course, there is always the manual approach where I will get behind the player and just grab his hips and push them laterally just before the end of the backswing.