More Johnny Miller Swing Advice

By Wayne | Videos: As Seen On TV and Extras

Johnny gives priceless advice to Mickelson, Harrington and Kim, and educates us all on the Laws of Physics, according to Johnny, of course. I always think golf is really hard until I hear Johnny explain it. See, I thought it mattered where the face was aiming at impact, and I was also worried about the angle the club approached the ball from. Little did I know that all I had to do was return the shaft to 90 degrees to the target line at impact and I would start “driving it great”. Where are the rest of the announcers when he comes up with this stuff? Will any of them ever stop him and ask something like “hey Johnny, isnt’ that a bit of an oversimplification?”. Or maybe, “Hey Johnny, you can’t really tell if his hands are behind the ball at impact from that camera angle”. Is that too much to ask?