Lesson of the Week: Wes Sampson- Continuing the Rework with a Significant Tempo Change

By Wayne | Videos


Wes is developing a greater understanding of the mechanics of the golf swing, but his execution still needs work. In this lesson I utilize the metronome to speed up his swing and to start the forward swing earlier, hopefully reducing the right arm and shoulder pullback that leaves him out of position to route the club on plane in the forward swing. Wes has more than likely always approached impact from out to in, and thus has never had incentive to close the face or to drive his hips on the 45-degree angle I always talk about. Using the metronome to trigger the swing and to have a time frame in which  to arrive at impact gave Wes a feeling he had never had before, where he felt a rhythm that didn’t require him to crank up his arms and shoulders as he got to the top of his swing. Wes has a big advantage in that he is young, strong, and flexible, and it was a revelation to feel like he didn’t need to load up so much to create speed. The pattern where the arms descend and the club shallows from the top is so different, however, that he has trouble contacting the ball when he makes it happen. He certainly has shown that he can change the body motion, but the hands are another matter. In our next lesson I will be certain to focus on left wrist flexion in the downswing, as after watching what we did, I feel that is the missing piece.














